High Interest Rates Can't Touch House Hacking thumbnail

High Interest Rates Can’t Touch House Hacking

High interest rates would deter house hacking—right? With home prices still significantly higher than last year and interest rates rising as we speak, shouldn’t the profit that comes with house…

The Window Is Closing On Subject To Real Estate Investing (Jason Hartman) thumbnail

The Window Is Closing On Subject To Real Estate Investing (Jason Hartman)

If you like what you hear in this video, be sure to SUBSCRIBE: v Subject-to deals are an indispensable part of my real estate investing toolbox, and I plan to…

Real Estate Investing With No Money - Robert Kiyosaki thumbnail

Real Estate Investing With No Money – Robert Kiyosaki

School doesn’t teach you about money so in this video, we will tell you the rules the rich follow and how they view their real estate investing deals. We share…

#142: What It Means to Invest In Mortgage Notes - Nick Legamaro thumbnail

#142: What It Means to Invest In Mortgage Notes – Nick Legamaro

Do you want to invest in real estate, but don’t want to worry about finding a renter or managing repairs? If that’s the case, this episode is for you! Nick…

Immune Gut & Brain
Investing in Real Estate in Latvia - Pros and Cons thumbnail

Investing in Real Estate in Latvia – Pros and Cons

In this new video, co-hosted with our Latvian partner, one of the top real estate experts in Riga, we bring you value about investing in Latvia. Additional content in description…

$8,300 DOWNPAYMENT For Section 8 Rental! WHAT! Investing In Real Estate For Under $10,000! thumbnail

$8,300 DOWNPAYMENT For Section 8 Rental! WHAT! Investing In Real Estate For Under $10,000!

Join the Real Estate Investor Network Discord Group! l Buy My eBook! The Ultimate 101 Guide to Section 8 Real Estate Investing! k Don’t Forget to Subscribe! Contact: [email protected] Want…

My Thoughts On REAL ESTATE, INVESTING & HOW TO SUCCEED In 2021 | Kevin O'Leary & Barbara Corcoran thumbnail

My Thoughts On REAL ESTATE, INVESTING & HOW TO SUCCEED In 2021 | Kevin O’Leary & Barbara Corcoran

Lease Agreements for Real Estate Investors thumbnail

Lease Agreements for Real Estate Investors

Lease Agreements are one of the most essential foundational tools for rental owners as a legal means of setting expectations for residents and mitigating risks. Reviewing important leasing information, Andy…

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Mortgage Note Investing and Underwriting the Note Seller or JV Partner

Many coaches and courses teach how to underwrite assets like real estate and mortgage notes. We haven’t seen a lot on how to vet your potential partner. It is common…

Real Estate Investing Rules You MUST Know (The 2%, 50% & 70% Rules) thumbnail

Real Estate Investing Rules You MUST Know (The 2%, 50% & 70% Rules)

If you’re getting started in real estate investing, then you need to know about these 3 rules of thumb (The 2% Rule, 50% Rule, & 70% Rule)! These rules are…