The number one thing about investing in real estate is, even if you are eating breakfast, or you’re on vacation or retired in old age, it’s still going to take care of you. The biggest mistake you are making is by not getting started, Or not buying that property that you missed. I’m telling you. #1 Mistake you are going to make, is not jumping in, years ago when you should have. You need to buy. The reason you have not been buying real estate is probably that you may not really be sure, about what you are doing. I have personally been investing in real estate for the last 36 years. Cash flow has allowed me to move to the beach, and to do what I love. My real estate team shows people every single week how you can essentially live for free without ever having to pay rent, or come out of pocket to pay a mortgage.
While you sleep, the tenants from your houses, condos, and vacation rental properties are paying you and paying your mortgages off. When you retire, All that flow goes to the bottom line!
The truth is…we all know…it takes money to live. If you live in a house or condo… most of us pay rent or a mortgage to live there. Now, what if instead of all your money going out, to someone else, you were on the receiving end. You had the income coming to you! That changes things right?
You have questions like:
What real estate should I invest in?
What am I looking for?
What am I trying to stay away from?
What real estate assets increase over time?
What is the real estate model that has worked for other people?
If you do this right, the old-fashioned way, you will be very happy in old age. But the truth is you will need good credit, a decent down payment, and knowledge of what the best options are.
People dream of living at the beach, vacationers pay big money to stay there, for just a week, yet many investors overlook this hidden gem. So why wouldn’t this be the perfect place to invest for the long term? Most beachfront properties are very expensive!
This video unlocks the information you have been thinking about. Many people are doing this already and in this video, I will give you some real-world examples. there is no magic formula investing in real estate, but there are many things to avoid. I want to give you as much knowledge about real estate, money, investment, the beach. I really hope you enjoy this type of content and financial education. I have so much fun making these videos for you.
Brought to you by:
Jerry Pinkas Real Estate Experts
604 N 27th Ave Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
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– Should You Buy A House Now or Wait? –
– Why Aren’t Home Prices Dropping? –
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– MOVING SOUTH Retiring At The Beach – w
– Moving To South Carolina – A
– PRO TIPS Moving To Myrtle Beach South Carolina – o
– Before Buying Land and Building A House – o
– TRUE Cost Of Living In Myrtle Beach SC – E
Disclaimer: All information given in my videos is meant to be educational. This video is not intended to replace your own research, nor to provide legal, investment or financial advice of any kind. For legal advice consult a lawyer.